
Importance of Fasting on Monday- Somvar Vrat | Monday Fast In Hinduism | Artha

2019-02-05 25 Dailymotion

There are different significances of every day in the Hindu religion and Monday is especially dedicated to Lord Shiva. What is the benefit of fasting on this day, and what is the significance of this fast, find out in this video of Artha

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1 The Somvar Vrat that is fast observed on Monday is dedicated to Hindu God Shiva.

2 Lord Shiva is the cosmic teacher of wisdom and destroyer of all evils in the universe.

3 He showers his compassionate blessings on activities undertaken on Monday.

4 Monday is considered as a suitable day to enter new house and make marital arrangements. It is also recommended as an ideal day for betting and sport related activities

5 Monday fast or Upvas is scheduled from sunrise and ends at sunset

6 Devotees preferably worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati on this day.

7 The fasting on Monday in the month of Shravan is advised to be auspicious.

8 It is believed that these fasting fulfills one’s desires and bless them with wisdom.

9 This fast is famous for being observed by unmarried women to get an ideal husband.

10 There are few stories associate to the origin of this fasting. The first story states that, ‘a poor Brahmin gained wealth when he observed Monday fast.’

11 The second one is the story of a rich merchant begetting a son after a long wait. It includes subsequent death and rebirth of his son through the grace of Shiva and Parvati.

12 Thus, by keeping the fast on Monday, Lord Shiva's grace remains on all of us. To get more such religious videos stay tuned to Artha channel.

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